Terms of Sales
Article 1 – Purpose and scope
1.1 These general conditions of sale apply automatically to any sale of products Coc'Art Creations
1.2 The sale East deemed concluded at the dated acceptance of the order by Coc'Art Créations. Prior to this date, and in accordance with the provisions of article L. 113-3 of the coded of the consumption, the these conditions of sale are made available to any buyer as informative.
1.3 Any order implies unreserved adherence to the present Terms of Sales which prevail over all other conditions, except those who have summer expressly accepted by Coc'Art Créations.
Article 2 - Order
2.1 Per order, it must hear any order bearing on our products appearing on the Coc'Art Créations price list, and accepted by him, accompanied by the payment of the deposit possibly provided for on the order form.
2.2 Any order, to be valid, must be established on the Coc'Art Créations order forms, available to customers on request. Acceptance of the order by the seller results from the direct delivery of ordered products.
2.3 Any order received by the seller is considered firm and definitive.
Article 3 – Delivery
3.1 Except express special conditions clean for sale, delivery will be made either to the workshop (19 rue Bretonnerie 41000 Blois)), or by carrier, within the time 12 days from receipt by Coc'Art Créations of an order in due form.
3.2 In the absence of any indication or agreement as to the delivery or performance date, the seller shall deliver the goods or perform the service without undue delay and at the latest 30 days after the conclusion of the contract.
3.3 In the event of default by the seller to its obligation to deliver on the date or at the end of the period provided for above, or, failing this, no later than 30 days after the conclusion of the contract, the buyer may terminate the contract, by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt or in writing on another durable medium, if, after having ordered, according to the same terms, the professional to make the delivery or to provide the service within a reasonable additional period, if the latter has not performed within this period.
The contract is considered resolved upon receipt by the professional of the letter or writing informing him of this resolution, unless the professional has performed in the meantime.
However, the buyer can immediately terminate the contract when the professional refuses to deliver the goods or to provide the service or when he does not perform his obligation to deliver the goods or to provide the service on the scheduled date, if this date or this period constitutes for the purchaser an essential condition of the contract. This essential condition results from the circumstances surrounding the conclusion of the contract or from an express request by the consumer before the conclusion of the contract.
3.4 The costs and risks associated with the product delivery operation are the sole responsibility of the seller, except when the buyer takes the goods or deals himself with the carrier.
3.5 As of delivery, the risks of the products are transferred to the buyer.
Article 4 – Receipt of products
The buyer will take receipt of the products ordered on the seller's website, within 15 days of receipt of the notice of availability sent by the seller upon delivery of the products.
After this period, the seller may automatically cancel the sale, if it sees fit, without prior formal notice, pursuant to the provisions of article 1657 of the civil code.
The buyer will assume the costs and risks of transporting the products sold, after their delivery.
The purchasing customer has 14 days to return an item, without giving any reason after receipt of it. The terms of return are indicated on the delivery note. The refund will be made upon receipt of the returned product.
Article 5- Price
5.1 The price are farms and definitive. Except conditions particular specific to the sale, the prices of the products sold are those appearing in the price catalog on the day of the command. They are expressed in change legal and stipulated all taxes included, shipping cost not included, packaging included.
5.2 Except for other terms expressly provided for in the special conditions, payment of the price is made cash at the command. No order can to be otherwise taken into account of full payment to this date. An invoice will be given to the buyer on simple request.
Article 6 – Warranties
The products sold are covered by a commercial guarantee aimed at to guarantee their compliance and ensuring reimbursement of the purchase price, replacement or repair of the goods.
That warranty is the subject of a written contract, a copy of which is given to the buyer and specifies the purpose of the warranty, the terms of its implementation, his price, duration, its territorial extent.
She does not cover the defects caused by the fact abnormal or faulty use or resulting from a cause unrelated to the intrinsic qualities of the products.
The provisions which previous are not not exclusive of the application of the legal guarantee of conformity of the articles L. 221-4 of the consumer code and the guarantee against defects in the thing sold in articles 1641 and following of the code civil.
Article 7 – Competent jurisdiction
For the definition of the competent jurisdiction, the seller elects domicile 19 rue Bretonnerie 41000 BLOIS, however the customer can seize the court near his domicile.